Initiated by dancer, choreographer and teacher Frey Faust, and supported by a meshwork of international researchers, the
Axis Syllabus© is a field of study of the human body in movement, based not on a specific aesthetic, but on scientific databases.
Elementary physics, physiology, anatomy, biomechanics... the AS is compiled and updated in a pragmatic and synthetic way, all information useful to the investigation of human movement. AS teachers and researchers pass on this knowledge by creating pedagogical tools designed to develop in their students the spirit of inquiry that leads to autonomous learning and responsibility for their own bodies and health. From this intention stems adaptability, the sequential harmony of efforts, the sensitive use of the elasticity of our tissues, respect for and integrity of the joints, and the development within ourselves of the physical forces implicit in the curves and spirals that make up our architecture in motion.
The Exosquelette is an oasis for the Axis Syllabus©. This year
(2024-2025), it will host seven weekend courses, three
week-long intensive sessions, weekly Thursday morning labs, and in August it will host the “Nomadic College”, an international gathering
of the Axis Syllabus Research Meshwork.
7 WEEK-END Workshops
3 INTENSIVE WORKSHOPS Kinetic Super-Visions
with Jérôme d’Orso and
Barış Mihçi / Frey Faust et Francesca Pedullà
Dancing has the advantage
that it can be done at the
speedof falling bodies.
It's a way of following the flow, partially chosen, between the quest for meaning, or sensation, and opportunism, the search
for trajectories of least friction.
It's also about realizing
our unheard-of nature,
Nature, space, kinetics,
through the prism
of the Axis Syllabus©.

This training program is designed to embrace as broadly as possible the principles and models brought together in our transdisciplinary reference tool. The themes of each workshop, in their practical, contextual orientation, can be approached in one by one, or together as a coherent whole. Each session will be an opportunity for theoretical sharing, personal and collective exploration, and practical training. By integrating the fundamental parameters of our inner nature and the conditions of life on earth, we experience an ecological relationship with ourselves, we gain in power, we interweave the sophistication of gesture, we gain in coordination and skills with health and physiological fulfillment, through all our dances,
in daily life or at work.
Two sessions: fall and spring!
with Elsa Brion
The Axis Syllabus unites poetry and science. A study, that is like a shout for life.
As part of her training to become a certified AS teacher,
Elsa proposes a space for exploration around bodies in movement on a chosen theme.
Research time, choreographic motifs and experimentation in partnership.
Undulating, rolling, sliding, crawling, jumping, running... a source of study, joy and invention.

Photo: Barbara Calì
Mentor : Jérôme d’Orso
The Axis Syllabus©, as a systemic approach to the body in movement, offers a diagnosis of a body that moves.
How do we walk?
How do we carry our children, our tools?
Do we suffer from recurring pain?
Are our postural patterns beneficial to our health?
By individual appointment, I propose to answer your questions about your body, and, together, to look for strategies which, in your work (artistic or not) or in your
daily life, will enable you to improve your relationship with your body toward relieve, or more appreciation.

Price per session : 30 euros/h
Book an appointment : artsfelus@gmail.com
Over-prepared, under-structured
Conscientiousness towards commitments, self organization and voluntary participation.
As below, so above.

4 weeks, in August,
the Nomadic College
takes root at at the Exosquelette.
The NC is an itinerant school for the principle study
and application of The Axis Syllabusⓒ.
Rather than a festival, or celebration, The NC
is what it's title suggests, an intensive study context.
The study of the AS is meant to empower the individual to defend and promote their own health and the health of those they might be responsible for, in other
words to sponsor responsible autonomy. Conscientiousness towards commitments, self organization and voluntary participation.
As below, so above.
All details here : nomadiccollege.org
Photo: Barbara Calì