Kinetic Super-Visions
« The spirit of the body, the gift of matter. »
24 - 28 February
wth Barış Mihçi and Jérôme d'Orso
21 - 25 October
with Jérôme d'Orso

Meeting your body, while dancing.
Experiencing an ecological relationship with yourself.
Gaining power.
Learning about the complex technical data of our human vehicle.
Playing with the physical forces that make up our architecture in motion.
Interweaving the sophistication of gesture, the gain in coordination and skills with health and physiological fulfillment in daily life, in all our dances or at work.
28 April - 3 May
with Frey Faust, Francesca Pedullà
and Jérôme d'Orso
Pratical info
Time schedule:
10h-12h30 : Morning classes - informative practices. A class falicilitated by the organizers
of this event: borrowing from the AS archive to warm up and prepare body and mind by developing physical strength and adaptability for complex coordination.
14h30-18h : Learning Lab - turning theories into applications. Our afternoons will be devoted to the collective exploration of our analytical tools, the search for a language to convey them, and their embodyment. There's nothing like transmitting to integrate. Moments of sharing, exchange and assimilation, so that everyone has the opportunity to discover just how much our body is a perfectly integrative ecosystem, and possesses the potential for prodigy.
Fees :
One intensive workshop Kinetic Super-Visions : 300 ; 3 workshops Kinetic Super-Visions : 840 euros
If your budget is a problem, we can talk about it.
Location :
L’Exosquelette, Le Muscardin, 331 rue de la piscine ; 26310 Luc-en-Diois, France
Housing :
Homestay in the village for 15 euros a night, and truck, van or tent on the Muscardin, with access to the Exosquelette's kitchen and sanitary facilities,
for 8 euros per night.
Please request this when you register.
Info and registration :
phone: +33 06 31 76 81 21