« The spirit of the body, the gift of matter. »
Kinetic Super-Visions
faclitated by Jérôme d'Orso
Barış Mihçi / Frey Faust et Francesca Pedullà
Meet your body through dance.
Experiencing an ecological relationship with yourself.
Gain power.​
Learn about the complex technical data of our human vehicle.
Playing with the physical forces that make up our moving architecture.
Intertwining the sophistication of the gesture, the gain in coordi-nation and skills with health and physiological fulfillment in
everyday life, in all our dances
or at work.
7 Axis Syllabus WEEK-END Workshops
Facilitated by Jérôme d'Orso
Nature, space, kinetics, through the lens of the Axis Syllabus©.
This training program is designed to embrace as broadly as possible
the principles​ and models within our transdisciplinary reference tool.
The topics of each course, in their practical, contextual orientation, can be approached one by one, or together as a coherent whole. Each session will provide an opportunity for theoretical sharing, personal and collective exploration, and practical training.
Let's hope that by integrating the fundamental parameters of our inner nature and the conditions of life on earth, we can find spatiality, lightness, rhythm and ease, in everyday life or in the technical virtuosity of all our dances.
3 appointments 2024/2025
with Jérôme d’Orso
The practice of balancing on wire has been the object of my sustained attention for twenty years. I'd like to share with you the experiences that came out of this quest.
These courses are aimed at both experienced tight ropers who wish to gain a new perspective
new insights into the practice, as well as first time neophytes.
Traveling between Axis Syllabus© and circus art, I propose to build bridges to apply the fundamental principles of functional anatomy and movement physiology on the wire.
Link the concepts of the physical laws that order our world with our perceptions. Recognize gravitational effects and forces through perception. If you're already an experienced tight roper, you've got the percepts. Putting them into perspective with concepts could open up vast new fields of experience.
9 - 12 January
10 - 13 April
With Elodie Donaque and Eric Briosia
These workshops provide an opportunity to explore the intimate link between sound and suspended movement.
Put yourself in a state of listening, feel the music induce different states of the body, infuse energy, offer breaths and open up our bodily imaginations.
Eric's compositions create a soundscape, where we travel between electronic sounds and acoustic piano melodies.
As a choreographer, my mission is to accompany you in the writing of the circus gesture, down to the smallest detail, to bring the sensitive back to the center of technical prowess. First on the floor, through guided improvisations, which we then translate in suspension.
This workshop is open to dancers and aerial artists!
8 - 9 February
With Elsa Brion and Sophie Juillard
Velvet skin, snake scales:
from animal impulse to conscious gesture.
From movement to touch, from touch to movement, these primordial paths that animate us from the moment we are born.
Elsa, an acrobatic dancer, and Sophie, a masseuse and movement explorer. We wanted to link our practices so that they could shed light on each other.
It is through technical considerations (posture, anatomy, quality of touch, presence, organization of the body in space...) and an intuitive, instinctive, sensitive approach, that we wish to bring together our investigations into dance and massage.
children - adults all levels,
small groups of 3 to 5 people
18 - 19 January
22 - 23 February
With Mélina Perron
I suggest you dare to approach the Chinese pole, put your body in motion around it and climb it little by little.
During these workshops, you'll be offered a time of technical training to (re)discover different positions on the mast, understand how to distribute body weight and move between each position, as well as climbing techniques.
What's more, a moment of individual or group exploration will help you get to grips with this body vocabulary, and have fun with it!
Info and registration :
Class schedule and fees:
10h-11h30 (ages 7-11): 40€
13h30-15h (ages 12-16): 40€
16h-18h (teens-adults): 50€
ages 8 - 12
3 - 5 March
With Elsa Brion
Acrobatic arts
aerial fabrics
balance ball
mini trampoline...
7 - 11 July
With Elsa Brion, Aristide Goudalo
Info and registration :
+33 06 12 99 15 35
Full workshop price: 275€
Or take 1 or 2 sessions.
9h30-11h30 Dances and rhythms of Benin : 110€
15h-17h Undulations and floor exploration : 110€
17h30-19h Tales and song : 85€
Traditional dances and rhythms from Benin
Ripples and ground exploration
Tales and songs
All levels
This proposal is the fruit of a collaboration between
two dance artists from different worlds.
Aristide will pass on elements of traditional Beninese dance and rhythm, and at the end of the afternoon, he'll introduce us to songs and tales from Danhomey, steeped in Vodoum culture.
Elsa will make proposals based on floorwork, undulations and sequential movement. Through sensitive research, illuminated by anatomical considerations and movement analysis, we'll try to grasp a few keys to better understanding and integrating the possibilities our bodies offer for movement.
Photo: Barbara Calì
ages 8 - 15
14 - 17 July
With Elsa Brion, Laurie Brunet and Tao d'Orso
Acrobatics, aerial acrobatics, juggling, object manipulation, theatrical expression...
The Exosquelette opens its doors once again for a theater and circus workshop for young people, this year on the theme of poetico-burlesque!
4 days to create joyful worlds filled with imagination, play with your body and unusual objects.
Info and registration :
+33 06 12 99 15 35
Time schedule and fee :
10h30-12h30 and 14h-16h
160€ (on-site dining possible)